I must first start off by saying "THANK YOU!" to all who attended our going away dock party this last weekend. I had a blast! I learned how to spot a good mango from Bob and enjoyed razzing Ralph about his "hairy knuckle wine" (sorry Mr. Fingers - haha). It was just super being able to sit and relax, giggle and play. Thank you to Barry who patiently cooked all that chicken. Sorry Joyce for waking you and Barry up with a seal bomb! (not really :0)!!) Thank you to Bud for sharing his yummy potato salad. Thank you, again, to all of who came to wish us well.
Sunday was a great day! We were fortunate enough to be invited to go for a day sail with Joyce and Barry aboard their well kept Islander 36, "Jubilee II." We left just before Bud and Ralph aboard Bud's "Fandango". They thought they were going to skunk us but I think we won the race out of the channel. (sorry guys, haha) It was fun being able to goof off and heckle one another while we can....a boater thing. ("Mines faster, yours is smaller"...that sort of thing, all in good fun). We got to experience all the wonders of sailing here in San Francisco Bay and that is, no wind, little wind, a lot of wind, waves, currents, and back to no wind. All within less than an eighth of a mile of each other. We started with a sail through Racoon Straight. A nice little cruise under the Golden Gate Bridge and a little play in the gate. Followed by a breeze past the city front, across Alcatraz and back home to Point Richmond. Daisy and Neighbor Barry were also along for the ride. Daisy loved sitting behind the Dodger window away from the wind but still in the sun. After seeing this we think she will also be spending her days there on our boat when its all done. It was a lot of fun and Neil and I realy needed a day of sailing. It has been a long time since we have been out and it realy gave us "the Fever."
Yesturday I got one of the window panels sewn in. It was much more difficult to do with limited space and fabric's that tend to resist each other. All in all it will serve its purpose and give us nice visibility and privacy when in anchorage for siesta's or showers in the cockpit. The rest of the material just came in today as I didn't quite order enough before so I will have the rest of the week and into the weekend to finish the canvas. In between running parts that is.
Neil is still working on Michael's boat while working on ours. We get Neil until noon or better, than off he goes. Poor fella. Still, I am thankful for the last minute work and I am pretty sure they are thankful to have Neil! ( I know I am! )