Friday, November 25, 2011

the low down

Here is the low down on our current medical situation: This is a bit of a rant, but...well read on....
     I am no longer able to get medical coverage like before so this means no more treatments, tests, etc..the little bit of insurance we had before through the state via Neil's disabilty has now denied any further treatment or testing unless we pay $1500+ per month..ya right!

     Next...I applied for private insurance only to be denied because they consider this to be a pre-existing condition and I have been denied, twice....What does this mean for me, well it means that I have to save up to get the test's done. I am tempted to check into what it would cost to go to Tijuana instead...Meanwhile I feel good, and I am jogging/walking about 30 plus miles a week with Katie. I am watching what I eat, taking lot's of vitamins and am going to buy some Esiac Tea..a good natural cancer fighter...this is all I can do for now and so far, I am feeling pretty darn good, energetic, happy, and confident that I will not be sick this holiday season.

     Now for Neil: UGH...and UGH and a few choice words again. Well he has had 2 or 3 appointments to see spinal specialist's this month only to be told to go home after waiting in the office by their personel...reason given? The company has denied it...even though these very good, very competent specialist's were on "the list." Now we have been given a "specialist" who's online rating is barely over a 1 out of 5...he is a company doctor of course and this makes me FURIOUS!!

     Ultimately we get to choose his surgeon, I mean, come on! I don't care if I have to travel across country, I just want him to have the best of the best...I have heard too many horror stories to just say, "ya ok, cut him up."

     So what does this mean? It means we are down to the wire. I am hoping that we have the next two months to get him into a good guy, and out of pain...seriously he has been unable to move from the bed to the couch for the last week or so....and that to me, is UNACCEPTABLE!!

     So that is the low down...medically speaking.

     We did have a fun yet simple Thanksgiving, and we hope to meet up with friends later this week and are going to take advantage of the lovely weather tomorrow and head to the beach for surfing and boogie boarding!(myself and the kid's)

     Even with all the "crap" going on, we are still happy, still positive and still enjoying each day with each other...

Friday, November 11, 2011

more picture pages

I promised to share pictures of our day in La Jolla when we went snorkeling as a sure was fun!

good news

We have some good news. I found out that I do not have lymphoma. The bone marrow biopsy proved to have good results, so praise the Lord!

I still have some insurance woes and lots more testing to do, but feel like I can breathe a little easier knowing that this test was negative.

Neil also got a call to let him know that he will be meeting with a surgeon the first of next month. We have been waiting so long to have a consultation with a good surgeon so that Neil can begin to get better. He has not been doing very well lately and the pain is getting more severe each day. This is coming at a good time and we are very thankful.

Katie and Stewart are doing well with online school and are enjoying all that living in southern Cal has to offer. They have lot's of friends and there is always something to do.

I am starting to feel realy good and my energy level has returned after having only two chemo infusion treatments, IVIG. It gives me a lot of peace until we find out a bit more to have these treatments knowing that I shouldn't be getting sick this season.

We hope to get some good sailing in over the holidays coming up and if all goes well, spend some time with our extended family...Jim and Kara.

Jack is here now too, so watch out A-9 ers! haha.

The weather has been great even with a few storms within the last few weeks. They are nothing like up north and never nearly as cold. Just a little rain and the Good Man just rocks us to sleep!

I am happy we are here and miss our "family" terribly, especially this time of year. To everyone, and you know who you are, we love you!