Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fun and games

We have gotten a few good but short little sailing jaunts here and there since the last post. We were treated to quite a little show of dolphin play this last time and ended up having a momma and her young swim along side up by the bow.

So graceful...

They truly are beautiful creatures and I feel so fortunate any time I get the honor of their pressence.

Two peas....

Once back into a little cove, we took advantage of the local beach and did some much needed bottom scraping and painting to the "water taxi."

(Slave labor I tell ya!!,,haha)

I don't care how old you are, it's always fun playing around at the beach......

you never get tired of lounging around in hammocks......

  and the sunsets are always gorgeous.....

Since then we have gone on  to do a bit of exploring of some of the state parks So Cal has to offer. From time to time I start "jonesing" for the off we went....

.(but it was not all for was just what the doctor ordered for all...)

The beauty of So Cal is you can be within several diffferent atmospheres in a short amount of time...Ocean, Valleys, Mountains, and lovely is that?

 Having the Jeep also allows for us to "explore" without having to "foot" it. Just take the top off and away we go...Right now, that is the best way to get Neil up the mountainside...

The dog's joined the inland crew for a bit of the action as well. Foster at one point got so hot he just walked on in the little creek after a sip or two.

Winnie needed lot's of mini breaks. She has the shortest little legs and sometimes her desire and her ability conflict....don't we all have moments like that?! She made use of the top of my backpack and "hitched a ride" for a little while.

Daisy, well she just kick's major butt and appeared for most of it to have somewhat of a happy little grin on her face.

They were little troopers and kept up pretty well for being a bunch of "boat dog's."

The kids and myself decided to do a little rock climbing. I tell you what, I am no spring chicken and it was challenging but I love to hike, always have, and to have the kids old enough to not have to worry about them, was quite nice. ( I still was like, oh be be careful, and they were like, "mom! we got this!" and I was like, "oh ok"...haha).

My little "Monkeys"....

Neil was able to keep up with a little flat land trails with help of some serious medication, but for the most part he  kept up with the 4 x 4. ( yes, we can't wait until he is done with surgery, recovery, and back to somewhat of a normal life!!!)....

Speak of the devil...We are only a few more tests away before we start to get into the fine details of planning Neil's much needed lower back surgery. It looks like his "year off" as advised by the doctor's has just not produced the results they wanted. Instead we are looking at further damage to his lower back and we are hoping that his nerve test tomorrow will look favorable instead of more "damage" to add to our list of..."poop."

***(will not insert poop pic here....although tempted...haha!)***

Stewart is getting better and better with his skating...and he absolutely loves it, and we love watching!

Katie has taken a large interest in photography and even with our mediocre camera has taken some very lovely shots. She hopes to get more involved in it and like all of us has plans to travel the world...I think I will join her!

As always we have good days and bad. Most bad days end with good and so on...and that's just the way it has to be! I am thankful for the gorgeous gorgeous weather here, the good doctor we are with now and all of your prayers, well wishes, encouragement, and sometimes kicking me in the butt for not staying on top of this blog!! haha...

In all seriousness,remember take care of you and yours, and always make sure to treat yourselves!!....

However simple that may be....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you all. I was at sail expo and bought a 9.9 Archiles (spelling) and a 8.8 brand spanking new mercury motor. We had to buy a 90degree drill with a winch bit to haul up the dinghy. Man its a chore without it. Could NOT bring it on deack without it. Its so much fun to run around in it. I bought two NICE life vests for the dogs, Things are good here, Mike is back, I told his son that if he didnt come home soon that he would be next on my hit list and im a hell of a shot long distance, So two days later wala he was home, Besides you didnt buy my husband you bought the truck and trailer, So now we will finish the steering and when we get our down payment for the truck/trailer we will haul the boat out and have it painted and some through hulls done or removed, Glad things are looking up for you all, Miss ya and we will see you in six months or less, I want to go to halfmoon bay for a month or two to pratice sailing offshore then down to santa cruz to see mom for a week then down to oxnard to see my dad and maybe take him out to the channel islands for a couple of days then south we gooooooo! See ya kind of soon.
Vicki mike and the zoo crew