The puppys have come full circle. Momma is doing great. We are all getting a decent nights sleep and the pup's are starting to want to play a little bit with momma. We gave them a little bit of mushy food the last few days. It is so funny to see them eat the "slop" made out of warmed formula and puppy food. The boys dive right in and literally "hoover" it up like a vacuum, all the while sprawled out across the plate as if to say, "Mine!". The little girl sneaks her way in underneath and pushes them at just the right moment to shovel them off the plate as she freaks out with excitement to be eating the new treat. Needless to say I am glad that we have never finished the floor to level "pretty" as of yet. My new rug is made of newspaper and is easy to clean! haha. They are cute little buggars!
Neil and I have an overwhelming feeling of rush and desire to go this week. It was as if we were all "hove to" with puppy's and now that they have gotten older it's like, "Oh no! We're late, we're late, for a very important date, no time to say hello, goodbye! We're late, we're late, we're late!"
In all reality we are not late, just antsy. Right now we would love to head south, head out, head north...head somewhere, anywhere, yet we have a few more loose ends to take care of before we leave..not too much longer, I hope.
We have most of storage gone through and organized. It is something to empty out a house, take just what you think you need, only to weed through it every month or so and whittle it down until you have this small pile of treasure. You let it sit for another month and realize you have a small pile of???haha! I have gone through my clothes, books, and supplies over and over. Each time I realize I just don't need all this stuff. Other days I look at my little pile and think, "Oh no! I have no stuff at all?" (ok, so now it is starting to sound like a George Carlin skitt here....he was a fun guy, hey?...anyway....).
In a few weeks we will attend our first sea fareing wedding. It will be one of the last things we do before we go. I am curious to see what the groom will wear as I have never seen him without his full "aye Matey", commercial fishing, rubber boot wearing ensemble. It will be full of the we shall wait and see.
I am very anxious to head south, for warmth, adventure, education, and well, because for the last year we have been gearing up for this new life. So far being on anchor full time and taking our dinghy to shore for food,gas, water, and other has been kind of fun, and freeing all at the same time. I know some may get tired of it, but I am sure that the feelings there are because they are stuck in the same place everyday. I look forward to the option of having options.
Until the day....the desire is growing with increasing heat and ravenous put it mildly.
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