Wednesday, October 20, 2010

coffee and dolphins? yes please!

That is exactly how my morning started out. Neil and Stewart finished up the night shift with a "come quick". Katie and I rustled out of bed and saw what was one of the most spectacular displays I have ever seen.

The little dolphins made quite a show. They were hopping up on their they were bouncing like tigger on their tales on the waters surface. They were doing a little synchronized ballet 6 to 7 wide from all different angles. There had to have been over a 100 of them. They were pushing each other almost directly into the bow.

Remember in the movie Nemo, they dared the little guy to "touch the butt?" Well I think there was some of that going on with these guys too! It was great. We shot a few pictures and a little video but this time we mainly watched for almost a full hour.

Than just as they disappeared we saw some whales off about a quarter mile. They just popped up for a quick breath, flashed their tale and away they went.

That was my morning...way better than folgers that's for sure!

We are loving southern Cal but hating the lack of wind. So far we have only had to use the motor a "hand full" of times but today we have had to start her up to get to the next patch of light wind...I am fine with that though as I have thoroughly enjoyed the day.

We are about 50 miles from San Diego now. I think that Daisy is beginning to wonder if she will ever be able to sniff the grass again. The kid's are doing great! Katie has become the best navigator ever. She understands the charts, and all the AIS and radio business. I am really proud of her...and I thought she wasn't paying attention. Stewart has been a great little helmsman also. I have had such a great time with my family. I have had one on one time with everyone, but not as much time as I would like with Neil....soon enough we will be on anchorage and the kids will have to walk that dog!! hahaha!

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Aireus said...

where are the pictures and video? Mike and i are following your blog. We look forward to reading all about your adventures. When you left cried because this is what we are working for. We are living through you right now till we get our boat ready to follow you guys. I LOVE YOU GUYS.......LOL

Aireus said...

Oh wait. You are useing the ssb. If I read it right you might not beable to post them> Thats ok I know you will when you get the chance.

handfull said...

Hey we love you too!! Hope to see you in the near future.. :0)