We were fortunate enough to have a visit from Vicki and Mike yesturday. We met up with them and had a lovely BBQ followed by a sailing tour of the city front and bay until the sun dropped and the lights were on. It was so nice to visit, laugh, sail, and tell stories. I did feel bad that the entire time we were sailing, Foster had horrible gas...I mean "what did he eat??" kind of horrible...it made for a lot of giggles and a lot of heads poking around the dodger!Ha Ha (Stacy, be thankful you missed that one!). Vicki and Mike are a great couple, so down to earth and easy going...perfect sailing companions...which one day we hope to meet up again, on the water, and a little further south...so to them I say...."Are you really gonna quit and get your boat ready yet?" Ha...just teasing. Glad we caught ya.
A great day overall with friends. It is funny to me just how many people we have met down here from up north or even outside the sailing circle...San Diego is the place to be I guess!
I am doing so much better. I feel a little bit of tightness in my chest when I move around and raise my heart rate, but other than that, I feel terrific! Thank you for all of your continued prayers and well wishes. I go into my check up on the first of February and hope to come out shining!
Alot of you have asked about more videos...well we are a little behind but Katie and Stew are getting a few more ready. I know I enjoy them, and glad you do too!
Tomorrow we may take a day sail and go out into the ocean once again and see if we can't race the dolphins...I love this area, the sun is always shining, the air is sweet, the sunsets are absolutely gorgeous....and I can't wait to drop further south...yada yada yada...broken record! :o).
Now for some pics!
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