Monday, June 20, 2011

Stewart is leaving us....sniff sniff

Our little man is going to leave us tomorrow...I am missing him already. I know there are plenty of parents out there who wouldn't mind a week away from their teenagers, but that is not me at all! Seems like just yesterday we were playing in the sand with hotwheels and making forts in the woods...well we still play in the sand and the fort making is more like sleeping on the back deck....I know he is super excited as this is to be his first real big adventure on his own. He will be flying up to Santa Cruz to hang out with his good buddy Cullem. Katie did it last year and when she left to visit Aunt Stacy in Montana. Those two weeks were hard as I guess I can withstand this, but after all, he is my baby...just bigger now... (yes I am pitiful....sniff sniff)

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