Friday, October 21, 2011

update and homecoming

Ok, so I had my bone marrow biopsy and it was painfull but not near as painfull as when I had them shove needles into my lungs for a sample. I am glad it is over with and we should have the results in a week or less.

Unfortunately, they are hinting towards a low grade lymphoma. I have another CT scan and a few more tests later this week to double check but this is what we know so far.

Meanwhile I have another IVIG on Thursday and am taking it easy.

I thank everyone for their well wishes and thoughts and am sad that "Sailing Hand Full" has turned into a medical drama.

I will post the results when they come in and regardless I am enjoying the time I get to spend with my family.

Speaking of which, Katie has been asked by a local kid to "Homecoming." I think we may be more excited than she is about it.....I met Neil in 1991 and our first date was homecoming.... "memories..." Well again, I am sooooooo geeked about it and am looking forward to going dress shopping and such.
Below is Neil and my picture...

Don't ya just love my dress? And as you can see we haven't changed a bit! haha.

1 comment:

Aireus said...

Awwww how sweet. Tiffin I hope things go well. We are thinking of yoou everyday.