Friday, December 23, 2011

MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!!

Family traditions...everyone has them. It may be buying special jammies handing them out  and wearing them as they drink hot cocoa, open family gifts and enjoy the spirit of Christmas Eve. All the while anticipating Christmas Day where by some miracle, no matter how old or how small, there is at least one gift or more from that mysterious man in red. This year we have a lot to be thankful for. Great friends, a wonderful family and most of all life. In our family, tradition has mainly been about making good matter how minute they may seem. We realy don't have a routine, in fact, some years Neil and I can't wait to share and Christmas comes almost a week early...other years a few days after...either way, it's all about building lovely memories that will last long beyond any gifts.

Below is my Christmas painting.

We were quite bummed when they cancelled Neil's appointment with the surgeon once again...but we are looking at it as "it wasn't in the plans." HIS plan. What is HIS plan for us? At this point only He knows...but as always, I am glad it is in HIS hands...takes a lot of pressure off, huh? haha...and with that let us all celebrate the "Reason for the Season," and I hope that all of our friends and family have a wonderful Holiday!

MeRrY ChRiStMaS from "Hand Full."

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