Monday, July 8, 2013
Crime Fighting is Cool!
Summer has been fast paced, at least for So Cal living. I mean endless summer days followed by some of the most gorgeous sunsets. I feel like I am living in a painting sometimes...God is a talented guy indeed!
I have been taking the dogs, and sometimes the kids over to our little private beach so much lately that as soon as I go outside they are on top of it with "Can we go? Please???"
Sometimes Daisy is so anxious to get to shore to pee on everything she will opt for the faster landing...yep she jumps right in. Foster thinks she is nuts and Winnie sometimes follows, as do I.
Have been trying to get bikini ready old am I again? But dieting makes me this:
Whatever the correct answer there is, subtract about 5 years...I didn't care. Winnie is also trying to get into shape...but her love of food and sun and naps and.... ya, you get it....
she's big boned..ha ha and cute as a button and nicknamed piglet. Hey speak of the devil...yep that's a pig at the beach!
I have been swimming, with dogs, with Katie and on rare occasion Neil will come out and float on his back.
The water is calm enough at our little spot and when timed right the ebb tide just keeps you hovering in one spot. I think the salt water is an amazing theraputic tool and love our new summertime ritual. Oh and Stew comes too, on occasion but his heart belongs to skating and jet ski's...can you blame him?
It does make me miss having the scooters especially when you see a whole gang of like 100 pull past you!
Our personal situation has changed. We have gotten new legal help. Our funds have basically been cut off and we are hoping to get his lower back situation finalized soon. It has been such a long nightmare...anyone that has followed the blog over the years is probably sick to death of hearing about am I but we are praying that in the end, all will end well.
Until then, let's get back to these beautiful sunsets!
Can you believe it? I apologize that all the pictures this time were from my cell phone..but you see the good camera was being used for the greater good.
Before I finish this post we do have one exciting little story...Neil and Stewart were home one evening and happened to see a dinghy pulled up to one of our neighbors boats. We are all aware that the owner is off on a tour of duty right now... when living on the water constantly one learns to watch out for yourself, and your neighbors and hopefully they do the same...two men and one woman were taking things from the sailboat and putting it in the dinghy...NOT the owner...and in daylight, which is quite "balsy!" not to mention stupid.
So Neil called the harbor police and took pictures with our awesome zoom pictures of the whole thing. The police came and picked Neil up after his description of the "culprits" for identification. Neil was taken off our boat, over to where they were being detained, fingered (with out them seeing Neil, as the windows were blackened out) and brought back with a big thank you. I guess the story given to police was that they "just purchased it on Craigslist"...ya, the cops didn't buy it either. Another fellow boater was picked up and asked to do the same thing. With our pictures and testamony we ARE the case. These bad guys are getting ready for court, the owner very happy as his stolen goods were all recovered last we heard and it looks like they will not be stealing anything any time soon.
Well done! Sound familiar? We have had run in's with the law before...if you go back to 2009 blog entitled, "Book em Danno!" you can see fighting crime like a super hero is in Neil and Stewart's blood!
Well that's about it for now...I hope to have some good news to report soon, love and prayers.xoxo
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We are concerned that your support has ended. What are these people in Sac. thinking of? You need me as Cal governor. There's a fun thought. Talk about house cleaning.
Do you know where Jim and kara are. We miss them.
There is lots of prep. going on in SF bay for America's cup. Lots of boats are here practicing for the races. They are soo fast.
The Jubilee boat will be hauled and painted Aug. 12.We are hoping for no surprises of course. We still enjoy doing our own work. What better way is there to bond with your boat.
Handfull's bimini with the built in solor panals deserves a patent and a huge bonus. Get the patent first before you show it to catalina or hunter. This could be your meal ticket.Barry
I am not sure about Jim and Kara. Last we heard they were coming back to San Diego but no word. Governor Barry...that has a nice ring to it !!! Oh the drama...the Bimini will be nice when it is finished. We are taking our time with it for now bit will be keeping our eyes out for patent poachers! I am jealous about the Americas cup being there. It was fun when a few of them turned up here...sure do miss you both..give that lady of yours a big hug from me and save a little for yourself...Tiffin
We also believe Stewart and his deputy Neil should be issued guns and badges. Way to go, bad guys zero, good guys 2. Barry
Hey its me vicki n mike, how are things going. Have you gotten things straighten out with workers comp? I just had surgery on my neck. Took out a crushed disc n replace with two plastic n spacer with 3 screws. Omgoodness the pain. The last few days have been heck. I've been thinking about you guys alot. We just got a slip in Alameda suppose to move at the end of the month if they dont put us off again. Svenstons spelling. Bought all the America cups docks so were waiting for that to be put in. Ok hope all is well. I lost your number again. New phone didn't transfer right. Give me a call when u have sometime to chat. Its so hard to type. 510.253.7780 love vicki n miken zoo crew.
I'm so happy for you guys it makes me a little jealous. We oue the tax man, other than that we just have a few bills that his sons owes us 75% of them. If I hadn't gotten into this wereck I'd be doen there so fast. We just to get her coast guard ready. That way we dont get bothered by them all we need is a place to pump out and get water. I'd much rather be down there where it's sooooo much nicer weather. This cold is killingme. Mike is doingport lights up now. And fix a few port lights. I have to finish up my things. surgerys before I can leave . I'd love to take our time heading south. Just gave Mike a list and when he's done we will go anchor out.somewhere. I still have to have one more surgery before I can leave.They did my neck but I'm starting to have shakyhands wheni eat and by the end of theday I'm in so much pain I'd rather have a baby anytime thango through this. Sucks tobeme lol. Just when i thought was over 13 days after I get hit by a mexicantalking on the cell phone. He hit me doinh 45n up. Then his passenger got out and started cussing at me. If I could of got out of mycar I'd of kicked his arse. I just have one more surgery left to do. Now comes the phyc Dr's. Oh goodie ha ha ha.we still haveca 48ft trailer to sell the stuff insied then sell the trailer. Its just a 48ft step deck van trailer. We just spent 1500 on breaks and drums and ect,. Its a great storage. A person can make a work bench nor whatever they are the kid? Heck thy aren't kids nymore. Young woman tht neil will need his shot guy to keep the boys away. And Stew, oh om goodness he is another story there. Ha ha ha. Glad mine is back east doing the best he an with what he has. He is putting himself through college and no easy way. He even got the pell grant. I'm soooooo proud of him. Such a gentle soul he has. Maybe can finish uo thr bad leaks and just tame off. Ne er know till you cut the lines. Just a few more things then were leaving. I can't stand living here. I cant wait. Ok just checking in, tell everyone hello from us. Take care love you guys. Let me know what all is going on hugs n love to all. ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡★★
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