Saturday, September 18, 2010

motor-vation and clubhouses

When asked recently if there was anything that I am a bit apprehensive about when it comes to traveling south my reply is "I really hope I don't have to use the motor all the time." I really loathe having to start her up for any reason. It isn't so much that she is old, has no available parts, and is tempormental, it is more like, it's loud, it's stinky, and I'd would rather sail! The other is just more fuel not to use her.

Our little 34 foot Islander sloop with her modified full keel is heavy and stout. She likes the wind in her sails and handles heavy seas rather well. I have read several peoples account of passing by Pt. Conception now and heavy seas with winds in the 30-45 knots range sounds managable.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I think we are the greatest sailors in the world..we just love sailing for sailing's sake. I don't want to be in extreme conditions for weeks or anything, but from everyones tales of passage it is definately doable with a double reefed main and tiny bit of jib out. Taking the sails down to so little will still give you speed and maneuverability in rough seas. Having no options or being close to shore is scary for me. Being offshore a ways allows for more time. Time to sit...time to drop or raise sails... time to think, react, sleep...I don't really know how close to shore everyone was so I wonder if we go out about 35 to 50 miles if we will hit as much wind and waves as they did or if it will be steady as she goes like usual.

As everyone knows we usually head at least 15 miles offshore and in some cases as far as 30, just to hit good steady wind even when going from HMB to the city or down to Santa Cruz or Monterey. Our boat does it's best in about 20 knots.

So with that I hope the winds are in our favor. I know the direction (south) sure is and I am looking forward to having our longest "tack" in record being one that does not require fuel.

It is so peaceful to be out in the ocean with sails trimmed just right, the wind vane autopilot doing a phoenominal job of keeping her on coarse, close to the wind and big rolling seas. She purrs along and plows through the waves or she picks up and rides down each one....oh ya! That's the ticket! I also enjoy being "hove to" for the night and have the seas rock me to sleep back and forth, up and down...not really going anywhere, just feeling the breathing sea...seeing the moon, stars, is a beautiful experience!

On another note: When a friend of mine recently boarded the boat she chuckled and said, "Where do the parents live? This looks like a clubhouse!" Yes, Neil and I are just a bunch of big kids who enjoy being with our big kids..and having a floating clubhouse is pretty awsome indeed! With 2 kids and 3 little Chihuahua's onboard we definately are a "Hand Full" and I love it! After all, this is just the means of transport from one port to another. The real action is takes place outside the boat.

The best part of all is having such a great family to share this grand adventure called life with.....even if it takes place in a little floating clubhouse!

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