Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a week's worth of progress

I am amazed at how much better I am feeling within the last two days. I am only taking pain medicine at night and have gotten my bicycle out over the last few days and am able to get around, albeit rather slow, but around nonetheless. I still feel like I am breathing through mud half the time, but I can feel the healing taking place.

I want to say thank you to all of our friends, especially our family on good ole F Dock, for your kind words and prayers. Thank you for the cards and emails too. It has made us all feel so blessed.

The update on Neil is we are back to square one. He is back in with another good doctor only this one is company based. This doctor wants to do as much "other" as he can before resulting in  surgery. This is a bit of relief to Neil as he is not wanting surgery unless it is absolutely necessary. So hopefully he will start a strict regimin of physical therapy with somewhat of a personal trainer. I know that he was progressing before they cut him off with the physical therapy and chiropractor visists, so we are excited.

The kid's are getting ready for their school year to start up again. We stick with the northwest starting time of just after Labor Day. They are just thrilled to death, haha!!

The summer has blown by, but we are looking forward to the typical "Indian Summer" that tends to happen every year here in southern Cal. We hope to take a road trip at some point back north to visit family and friends, and this time Katie can drive part way! (I will be white knuckled in the back seat...haha...no she is a good driver!).

Hand Full is overdue for her haul out so we are hoping to do that this next month. Over a year on anchorage has given her more battle scars from crashing dinghy's into the sides( some from us, but mostly from others...these guys just aim and crash land into you I swear!!)  more than pulling in and out of the slip in high winds! It's definatley time to paint. This time the kid's will have to pitch in a lot. I hope to be well enough to do so myself, and Neil will be the cheering squad!

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