Saturday, January 29, 2011

Art in the City

Thursday we took Winnie by herself to shore to see how she would handle after getting a few tips from Vicki. She did ok for a while and then seemed to be done with it, and was all “where is my boat?? It was cute and when we got back to the dinghy dock she ran for it and even knew which one was hers…not bad for a youngin. When we got back to the boat we saw that Foster has learned to open the hatch doors. He looked very sad and when he saw us his little ears went back and well, see for yourself below…poor puppy! He didn’t leave my sight or my lap for the rest of the night. One thing is for sure…he is my little buddy…and I love it…l really do! Ha ha.

We took some beautiful pictures of the waterfront as the sun was setting. We got some shots of the various art sculptures that are a staple conversation piece associated with San Diego’s Embarcadero. I love walking by the old tall ships, the navy carriers and the old never gets old.

On another note: We have come to recognize a lot of the local homeless people and when the two new homeless ladies showed up last week, Katie and I went through some of our winter clothes and a few food items and left them a donation marked “Free.” ( The gentlemen kind of stick to themselves, whereas the ladies are chatty and visible). It was “gobbled up” so to speak almost immediately.( yes I could offer cash, but....well I won't get into that). We saw these ladies proudly parading around in their new “garb” that same afternoon. It made me smile.

Yesterday I got my chest x ray done. Katie got to go in me and saw a void which means that I may still have some issues. Monday I have my official appointment. Lately I do have a bit more tightness in my chest, but I have been much more physical as it drives me nuts to sit still….( Joyce, I do try to…but it is SOOOOO hard!! ) I have opted for the bus instead of the bike and I can’t wait for that to be over with. I know I know…in time, yet I want to get up and go…so much to do, so little time, and yet what is it we are doing? Enjoying life.

Below are some pictures of some of the “artwork” and the dinghy dock and well a full on picture show....


Aireus said...

Awww I LOVE the last picture. It captures Foster just right. Try to remember when you take them to shore by them selfs that less is more. When they don't have the others for a safteynet they will shut down when overwhelmed by tooooo much stuff. Try short positive walks. And try to have a treat for people who are interested in giving but not petting if she cant handle being petted. Same for Foster. If daisy likes people then take her if she wont bark at people and let them watch her get treats without them getting any at first. That way they see positive things going on and will want what she has after a while. All in time

handfull said...

thanks vicki, i will do that. we did notice that they do well when they have at least one more dog with you said, safety net. poor little foster has such separation anxiety from a way i love how an animal is so attatched..i have never had that as strong, but in other ways i hope it doesn't become a bigger issue down the road..they are still pups..and time, i do have plenty of that!