This time, Katie and Stewart's friends from a neighboring boat, Miel (14) and Summit (11), came up for an overnight stay. Since the weather is so nice we remedied the sleeping arrangement problem by putting up our side panels and blanketing off the back. With the dodger and wings, no wind can enter the cockpit and "walah" we have another room! The boys, being the "outdoorsman" slept outside, but not in the hammocks, just the cushions.
They got a good taste of what we do when we come up the coast. They got to snorkel, swim, jump off the bow doing cannonballs, and visit the ocean side. Since the boardwalk is right around the corner, they played a little at the arcade, and topped the night off with a beach bonfire with all the fixings. I am not sure if it was the smoke or not, but we sure got goofy, dancing around the fire, making strange sounds, role playing "Charlie the unicorn" skits. I know Neil and I are not young ens, but we had fun with our teenagers, and even if they wont admit it to their friends, I know they did too! haha!
This was Summit and Miel's first big sail down the coast on a sailboat. We had a great sail home with wind the whole way. Summit got to hop in the hammock while under sail which offered a very nice view out of the wind! ( on our 600 mile trip down from San Fran, I spent most of my shift time in the hammock!) This is a nice treat for us, as most days when sailing up the southern cal coast, it tends to get a little light part way, and unless you have time to spare, its a total motor sail. On the way back it was interesting to me to see that having a few "extra's" onboard was quite doable. The kid's all get along so well and are at home on the water just chilling on the couch, playing games while we are underway. They got a bit nautious when the waves got bigger and we did a little "wash tubbing" for a while, but it was soon gone once it settled down.
When we got back into the bay, after stopping by to pump out, rinse the piles of sand from the topside, and filling up water, Neil had me, literally, jump off the boat at the ferry landing in Coronado with my veggie cart, just in time to get some market fresh fruits and veggies from the farmers market! Yes, I think he has an addiction to radishes, oranges, avacado's, and new favorite,
After a long weekend in the sun, staying up late and playing hard, I feel like we need to go on vacation just to rest! Ha ha, just kidding. I can't tell how nice it is to be on "Island Time" for the most part, fulltime.
We are super excited to have our friends Jim and Kara coming down next week. They have some boat drama of their own going on, but good drama. I am looking forward to catching up, talking about future sailing plans, and just being around some good souls!
To Barry who commented about the picture on the website, "Yes, we use the flopper stopper ALL the time unless we are up in our little hideaway spot. Here on the mooring with all the traffic zipping by 24/7 it is a MUST." Now as far as your bragging about your shopping skills....I think I got you beat on the windvane for sure! haha...We miss you guys terribly and hope we can entice you to head this way soon and test your flopper stopper along side!
Neil is doing well, he has physical therapy twice a week. A little massage, chiro and sometimes some shocking treatments. They are getting ready to send him home with his own little portable shocking machine. They are still wanting to give him multiple cortizone injections in his 6 discs, especially the one that is now at 12mm. in diameter. We are still awaiting the release for all of that, but it looks like it will be later this month.
I know we are going to be here for the summer, but afterwards I am not certain. All in the "Good Man's" hands.
Below are some pictures of life with the Rife's......enjoy!
How cool is that. Looks like you are having such a hard time living on the water. lol I cant wait till its our turn. Keep up the good work down there. I have one of those shocking machines. It works great when I have pain in my back. Just make sure he does NOT place one of the pads on the bone. Thats not good for your body. I only found that out when I went to physical therapy. Thank goodness I had never done that. But I did come close. Take care and keep working down there. lol Sounds like you guys have a hard life
*sigh* I miss you guys! We are too far apart!
Awwww! We cant wait to see you too! Lets plan to go to the Boathouse on Shelter Island for happy hour and dinner Wednesday. It's "lobster night" for $10/lb, and $2 margaritas. Our treat, and we'll bring the rental car to pick you up. So excited!!!
Hi Tiffin, well i brought it up. So I will take my whippin like an adult. Talking about the self steering. You actually made money on your purchase and the bill for mine was <*><%!!#> $5440.00 So what's your point!!!! I will work on shopping skills and will be carefull to never bring it up again. The good news is with the help of "Ship Shape Boat Works", the install was good and it works really great. It out performs me at every point of sail except running. I still cannot get over that.
We have wisker pole now and are anxious to pole out jib and double reef main or drop main with poled out jib. Boat should steer better being pulled from bow instead of being pushed from midship. Boat has never "run", very well.
Now I know what you are thinking. And I am not in the mood to talk about your full keel. So do not even go there!!!! Fin keels are what they are. Second best.
Neil, let me be the first to wish you happy Fathers Day. You have the best reward anyone could hope for, a beautiful wife ,, lovely children, and a boat. Barry
vicki,i know it is such a hard life...we are anxious to get the shocking machine in our hands..literally! stacy, i can fix that for you...come on down!! kara, that sounds like heaven to me,can hardly wait!'s all about the keel,haha,just kidding, i agree, our little wind vane puts my helmsman skills to shame every time, thank goodness for it as this is how i get to get "hammock time" while underway...ship shape boatworks? never heard of them...wink ALL OF YOU!!
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