Thursday, February 11, 2010

My MY my

We just got the welder in. The dodger and bimini material is on its way. The pipe bender we got is just a bit too much power and always wants to kink the pipe. We rented a different style of bender and it still just does not want to bend anything over about a 35 degree angle neatly. This means Neil may have to use his skills to cut and bend than weld to make the angle we need. Not as pretty but very strong and functional. Besides it will be covered with material anyway!:0) We hope to have all the materials here by our date of departure and we may finish up the "this and thats" in Monterey on the hook. We shall see. My my my how things change day to day, delay delay delay, but no worries. It is getting done and we are so close now!

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