Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

To all you mothers, expecting or otherwise, I wish you a "Happy Mother's Day." This week I got my mothers day gift  a little early. The family surprised me with my very first (and hopefully not the last) full body massage! She was a lovely lady named Jill who was also a physical therapist and such and she taught me a lot about my neck and shoulder pain I have recently started having, hence the massage...anyway given that I am still recovering from the bout of pneumonia, she suggested that some of this pain is actually associated with those injured lungs. That I am maybe "babying" myself just a bit and causing harm to my muscles by not breathing properly. So I am going to take her suggestions to heart and try to do more of the reccommended breathing lessons, learn to exhale better, relax, exercise them properly and may in fact take up yoga next month! After basking, I was taken by Neil to the local Sushi joint and treated with a lovely little "happy hour special." It was a beautiful day and we spent most of it riding in the nearly 92 degree weather on the scooters around town. I must say that being pampered is well....fantastical!! haha

So a special thank you to them.

Neil is starting to do a little better with his treatment. He still is in bad shape but is managing his pain a little better and the therapy he is receiving seems to be helping a little. He is still waiting on the ok from the insurance company for the injections into his spine so until then it is nothing but easy going for right now. We hope to have some gorgeous sailing weather this week and maybe get in some nice little afternoon sails in. We are hoping to do a long awaited haul out next month and are willing to travel to get the best deal, so send your suggestions to me!

To all our friends and family we do thank you for all of your encouraging words and prayers. We do love you and think of you often and hope to have a little bit of a reunion soon!

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