Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The pictures of our re-fitting process have been updated on We have gotten a lot done in the last week and super busy to get things done before Friday. This way we can relax Saturday and have a fun "last day" here at MBYH! Check em out and let us know what ya think!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday is the Day!
We will stay until Sunday as Saturday is the fireworks show. Than off on Sunday for our systems test. So far everything looks to be in good order. A check this morning and I can easily send blog updates.."success." The dodger is finished aside from paint. This will have to wait until either A) the weather gets better or B) we head south into nicer weather and finish her up with all the fresh paint we can put on her. She is looking pretty shabby cosmetics wise, but sound as a pound otherwise! My sewing is coming along. I get one thing done and Neil (yes Neil...haha) keeps coming up with new things for me to cover. I am officially done with my original 40 yards of sunbrella and getting ready to crack open the last 25 yard roll.
Today I was all "Hell, Fire and Damnation" as my sewing machine is starting to show the wear and tear of intense activity. That and some of the projects have become a bit more complex. I am no seamstress and it is testing me...but after some "choice words" and an afternoon glass of something cold, it was back to work. Some is pretty good and some, well lets just say if you are looking that close...I'll make you walk the Plank! ~haha~
Tomorrow it will be a game of tetris to fit every little thing we need or want or think we need or want into our little vessel. Neil has had a day of sorting tools, stores, parts, etc. It was a bit frustrating today when we realized our gas power hookah for diving was bigger than we thought so it will be a challenge to put it in a safe and dry place that won't put more weight in the rear...yes our boat has a weight the rear...( big butt bertha!). Soon enough that will change as we try and distribute things better. This may mean tools near the tv. and clothes in the rear. Canned and dry foods near under the kids beds and toilet paper, well in the bathroom of course!
All in all it will be nice to know exactly what is onboard at all times. I am amazed at some of the things I found hidden away. I had a bit of a chuckle when I found some of the things I kept, and sad when I found some of my treasures had gotten moisture to it. Oh well, it is just "stuff." Now I will take greater care to check on my stuff more often.
So that about wraps up our day. I am going to post pictures tomorrow on both sites. A big Thank You to all for the encouraging words.
Today I was all "Hell, Fire and Damnation" as my sewing machine is starting to show the wear and tear of intense activity. That and some of the projects have become a bit more complex. I am no seamstress and it is testing me...but after some "choice words" and an afternoon glass of something cold, it was back to work. Some is pretty good and some, well lets just say if you are looking that close...I'll make you walk the Plank! ~haha~
Tomorrow it will be a game of tetris to fit every little thing we need or want or think we need or want into our little vessel. Neil has had a day of sorting tools, stores, parts, etc. It was a bit frustrating today when we realized our gas power hookah for diving was bigger than we thought so it will be a challenge to put it in a safe and dry place that won't put more weight in the rear...yes our boat has a weight the rear...( big butt bertha!). Soon enough that will change as we try and distribute things better. This may mean tools near the tv. and clothes in the rear. Canned and dry foods near under the kids beds and toilet paper, well in the bathroom of course!
All in all it will be nice to know exactly what is onboard at all times. I am amazed at some of the things I found hidden away. I had a bit of a chuckle when I found some of the things I kept, and sad when I found some of my treasures had gotten moisture to it. Oh well, it is just "stuff." Now I will take greater care to check on my stuff more often.
So that about wraps up our day. I am going to post pictures tomorrow on both sites. A big Thank You to all for the encouraging words.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Upcoming Holiday..
It looks like we will be off on our 1 - 2 week test of all gear onboard this weekend. We originally chose Friday as our last day here in MBYH until it was brought to my attention that July 3rd is on Saturday..that is when the city puts on a huge display of fireworks right above the marina. That being said tomorrow I will see if I can manage to talk them into one more day. Otherwise we have outstayed our welcome..with good measure. We have most of everything finished outside of cosmetics. I have been sewing for two days with one more to go......did I mention that I hate sewing??? However it is all coming together and I will be posting pictures of the progress in our "re fit" section on Other than that I would like to stay longer and help out our friends get their stuff ready but we may have to visit with them via the skiff...all in all we are super excited to be off and test everything and just see what needs to be tweaked. If it is all good, than we will sell off everything else, or give it away, and head south to the Catalina Islands and hang out between there and San Diego until the Baja Ha Ha starts. Did I mention that I am excited?? much to do little time...but glad to have a deadline...I ..we...are ready...
On the flip side, thank you to all who wished us well on our 17th wedding anniversary!
On the flip side, thank you to all who wished us well on our 17th wedding anniversary!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Happy (late) Father's Day to all!
Ours was a good one. We spent most of the day messing with our boat. The weather on Sunday was decent, although windy, but fairly warm. Neil finished fairing out the dodger and I scraped all the caulk and epoxies off the topside. (There were allot of "oops") I also got the areas that need to be sanded and readied for the epoxy primer ready to go. It was a good start to "summer."
Yesterday was Neil's birthday. I won't give his age, but he is older than me, so I can call him "old Man!" haha (and did!). ahhh he knows I love him! He spent most of the day in the water diving while I finished sanding the dodger. (She is as smooth as a baby’s butt!).
**FYI**Neil hasn't been diving this in a while as his back and neck have given him problems. He has herniated discs in his upper back and neck. This was the outcome of running faulty equipment years ago. We never "sued" or anything just hoped and prayed that he would recover. So because of this he has to take it easy and not overdo it....anyone that knows Neil knows that this request can be a hard one to uphold.
However, the closer we get to finishing things up and can go be free, the better he does (the better we all do!). I hope pretty soon his hard work will be laboring through a few storms here and there, figuring out where to drop anchor, exploring reefs with the Hookah, and not falling out of the hammocks on a hot day! Life is just too short to be miserable beating your body up. However, our little family does appreciate what he did for us all those years.
Our anniversary is right around the how time flies! Hard to believe that Neil and I have been together over 19 years and will be married for 17 years on Saturday. (I guess this means he can call me "old Woman!" haha).
Today the weather does not reflect the beginning of summer at all! It is cold, wet, windy as heck, and the fog is so thick you can slice it with a knife. Good thing we picked up a good X box game for Neil’s Birthday. He is a big kid after all, aren’t we all? So we will hold up in our little cabin until the sun makes his appearance later this afternoon and hope to put on a layer of epoxy primer. Not much more to do: paint (top and bottom), change out windows, fit and finish a few sewing projects, amongst a few other little things. It should all go relatively fast once the dang dodger is finished!
It looks like San Francisco will have us for a few more weeks. (But you guys already knew that…one day, One Day! You will look over and say, “Hey? Where’d the Rife’s go?”…and than a smile and a nod…”They are off on their adventure!”).
Ours was a good one. We spent most of the day messing with our boat. The weather on Sunday was decent, although windy, but fairly warm. Neil finished fairing out the dodger and I scraped all the caulk and epoxies off the topside. (There were allot of "oops") I also got the areas that need to be sanded and readied for the epoxy primer ready to go. It was a good start to "summer."
Yesterday was Neil's birthday. I won't give his age, but he is older than me, so I can call him "old Man!" haha (and did!). ahhh he knows I love him! He spent most of the day in the water diving while I finished sanding the dodger. (She is as smooth as a baby’s butt!).
**FYI**Neil hasn't been diving this in a while as his back and neck have given him problems. He has herniated discs in his upper back and neck. This was the outcome of running faulty equipment years ago. We never "sued" or anything just hoped and prayed that he would recover. So because of this he has to take it easy and not overdo it....anyone that knows Neil knows that this request can be a hard one to uphold.
However, the closer we get to finishing things up and can go be free, the better he does (the better we all do!). I hope pretty soon his hard work will be laboring through a few storms here and there, figuring out where to drop anchor, exploring reefs with the Hookah, and not falling out of the hammocks on a hot day! Life is just too short to be miserable beating your body up. However, our little family does appreciate what he did for us all those years.
Our anniversary is right around the how time flies! Hard to believe that Neil and I have been together over 19 years and will be married for 17 years on Saturday. (I guess this means he can call me "old Woman!" haha).
Today the weather does not reflect the beginning of summer at all! It is cold, wet, windy as heck, and the fog is so thick you can slice it with a knife. Good thing we picked up a good X box game for Neil’s Birthday. He is a big kid after all, aren’t we all? So we will hold up in our little cabin until the sun makes his appearance later this afternoon and hope to put on a layer of epoxy primer. Not much more to do: paint (top and bottom), change out windows, fit and finish a few sewing projects, amongst a few other little things. It should all go relatively fast once the dang dodger is finished!
It looks like San Francisco will have us for a few more weeks. (But you guys already knew that…one day, One Day! You will look over and say, “Hey? Where’d the Rife’s go?”…and than a smile and a nod…”They are off on their adventure!”).
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Just one More....
As you may have noticed I have blogged quite a bit today and posted several pics and video on both sites...this is rare, so ENJOY IT! I have one more video showing how fun things can be aboard. The kids goof off and so do the adults. There is always a "show" of sea life somewhere that never gets old, and the ships are a plenty!(at least in the Bay).
While watching the one video I made of Jubilee on the other site, I was in awe of the seas. There is one shot....the seas are looks as though it were breathing, alive, from God. Amazing... I may (just for myself) make a short, of just the "breathing seas."
As a footnote (if I haven't said it before) please leave your comments, they mean alot to ALL of us!
While watching the one video I made of Jubilee on the other site, I was in awe of the seas. There is one shot....the seas are looks as though it were breathing, alive, from God. Amazing... I may (just for myself) make a short, of just the "breathing seas."
As a footnote (if I haven't said it before) please leave your comments, they mean alot to ALL of us!
Jelly Belly Factory
As I mentioned earlier the kids, Joyce, her grandaughter and myself all went to Fairfield for a tour of the Jelly Belly Factory. It was quite fascinating and we learned that the strange flavors made famous by the Harry Potter movies were real! They ranged in variety from "booger", "skunk", "rotten egg", "moldy cheese", and even "dog food." This was in addition to some very yummy flavors...even the snozzberries tasted like snozzberries! haha! I have added the video of Stewart below at the factory. I will spare you the one of myself wretching as I tasted the savory flavors of "rotten egg" and "dog food!" ( I now know why Daisy won't touch that tastes horrible!). And you may ask yourself, like I did..."who came up with what a "booger" tastes like? I have never had one, and I must say after eating the jelly bean flavored one...I don't think I will have another any time soon! (remember to press the play button below)
A quick video of the kids and their life on the water..not dirtbikes, but even better! And they are great as the "water taxi service." Please be sure to click on the play me the video is's just hiding! :o)
Picture Time:
We have had a bit of trouble getting our videos to load...but..check out the new ones on in the video category. Stew and his surfboard and sailing with friends. I will try again later to see if we can get some to work on here again soon. Please enjoy the pictures of the last couple of was a lot of fun!

"Yo Ho, Blow the man Down"
"...the sea's were 50 ft and the wind was 100 knots...."
This week we spent 2 days sailing with our good friends Joyce and Barry and their grandaughter Rachael aboard their Islander 36. (Jubilee II). The first day was just a general run of the bay. The winds were blowing steady at around 12 knots with gusts to 18 on average. The kids were able to comfortably sit on the bow and goof off while eating Jelly Bellies that we had picked up earlier in the week after a factory tour.(We picked up extra candy to hand out to the little ones down south for Halloween in Mexico). The kids got to see a seal eating a small shark and putting on a little show right in front of us. It was a wonderfully sunny day, shorts weather, on the bay.
The next day we got up early to make the tide and head out under the Golden Gate Bridge for a little "practice". We had the typical bay summer morning with heavy fog, lots of wind and chilly temperatures. We had to get out the foulies. (it has been so long that it took us a while to remember where they were stowed so the boat looked like a hurricane hit it before we left).
The wind was not too bad. It averaged 12 to 18 knots inside the bay. We had enough wind to sail through Racoon Straight without having to tack too many times. The tide was still in our favor so we head out for some play time in the Pacific.
As we were approaching the mouth of the gate, about 3 miles from the bridge, the wind picked up a bit and the waves began to grow. This is pretty common there. The waves can be a bit overwhelming if you haven't spent much time in them. They averaged about 8 - 10 ft and were about 8 seconds apart. This area sometimes gets waves coming in at 2 different angles so timing is important so that you don't nose too far into them. The spray soaked the boat a few times. The waves picked us up and slammed us down. The winds grew to 24 knots and the waves grew to 10 - 15 ft but still seemed to be about 8 seconds apart, maybe a little less.
The time that our family has spent coastal cruising has proven one thing (at least for us) and that is when the wind hits a certain speed, say, 25 - 35 knots, the waves stay close together but they flatten out. The wind knocks them down. I am not sure what is better, short little ones, 6 - 8 ft and 4 - 6 seconds apart or bigger ones. Either one, if not prepared will seem huge and scary.
We have gone through a few little storms here and there. 35 - 40 knots being the heaviest and seas upwards of 18 - 22 ft. However the very first time I experienced these seas it seemed as if they were 50 ft and the wind was 100 knots!!
I think Joyce and Barry got a good feel that their boat is quite a seaworthy vessel and that she can handle it like the big boys!!
We went a few miles offshore than turned around just in time for the waves to decrease and enjoy a downwind run back under the Golden Gate Bridge and across the city front for a good look at the city by the bay.The sun was out, and the coats and hats were off!
With all that wind and commotion earlier, that afternoon, it died down to nothing and we had to motor the last mile into the slip. I think we all slept very well last night!
All this did for us was add the needed fuel to get things done soon so we can go out and start our little adventure. Not much left to do, realy, and yet....seems so far away sometimes, but not impossible.
I will be posting videos and pictures soon.
This week we spent 2 days sailing with our good friends Joyce and Barry and their grandaughter Rachael aboard their Islander 36. (Jubilee II). The first day was just a general run of the bay. The winds were blowing steady at around 12 knots with gusts to 18 on average. The kids were able to comfortably sit on the bow and goof off while eating Jelly Bellies that we had picked up earlier in the week after a factory tour.(We picked up extra candy to hand out to the little ones down south for Halloween in Mexico). The kids got to see a seal eating a small shark and putting on a little show right in front of us. It was a wonderfully sunny day, shorts weather, on the bay.
The next day we got up early to make the tide and head out under the Golden Gate Bridge for a little "practice". We had the typical bay summer morning with heavy fog, lots of wind and chilly temperatures. We had to get out the foulies. (it has been so long that it took us a while to remember where they were stowed so the boat looked like a hurricane hit it before we left).
The wind was not too bad. It averaged 12 to 18 knots inside the bay. We had enough wind to sail through Racoon Straight without having to tack too many times. The tide was still in our favor so we head out for some play time in the Pacific.
As we were approaching the mouth of the gate, about 3 miles from the bridge, the wind picked up a bit and the waves began to grow. This is pretty common there. The waves can be a bit overwhelming if you haven't spent much time in them. They averaged about 8 - 10 ft and were about 8 seconds apart. This area sometimes gets waves coming in at 2 different angles so timing is important so that you don't nose too far into them. The spray soaked the boat a few times. The waves picked us up and slammed us down. The winds grew to 24 knots and the waves grew to 10 - 15 ft but still seemed to be about 8 seconds apart, maybe a little less.
The time that our family has spent coastal cruising has proven one thing (at least for us) and that is when the wind hits a certain speed, say, 25 - 35 knots, the waves stay close together but they flatten out. The wind knocks them down. I am not sure what is better, short little ones, 6 - 8 ft and 4 - 6 seconds apart or bigger ones. Either one, if not prepared will seem huge and scary.
We have gone through a few little storms here and there. 35 - 40 knots being the heaviest and seas upwards of 18 - 22 ft. However the very first time I experienced these seas it seemed as if they were 50 ft and the wind was 100 knots!!
I think Joyce and Barry got a good feel that their boat is quite a seaworthy vessel and that she can handle it like the big boys!!
We went a few miles offshore than turned around just in time for the waves to decrease and enjoy a downwind run back under the Golden Gate Bridge and across the city front for a good look at the city by the bay.The sun was out, and the coats and hats were off!
With all that wind and commotion earlier, that afternoon, it died down to nothing and we had to motor the last mile into the slip. I think we all slept very well last night!
All this did for us was add the needed fuel to get things done soon so we can go out and start our little adventure. Not much left to do, realy, and yet....seems so far away sometimes, but not impossible.
I will be posting videos and pictures soon.
Monday, June 14, 2010
windy city
Wow! we have had a lot of wind lately, must be summer in San Francisco again! Last weekend was absolutely gorgeous. It was windy but the winds were howling from the north and gave us a two day blast of 80-90 degree weather! Oh how I was loving it!
Daisy was almost comatose by the heat and when Stewart put her up in the hammock by herself, she stayed there for almost 2 hours before she made a peep...snore...ZZZZ.. It was pretty cute.
The wind died down on Friday night and Neil and I went out in the dinghy for a moonlight water date. It is always nice to go out in the warm night air and check out the island. The view of the city was amazing and the birds, mostly seaguls, were loud as can be on Brooks Island. It should be their mating and nesting season. After getting a little too close we had to retreat for fear of the 100 or so seaguls circling overhead. You could see their bellies flashing above in the moonlight. We decided to that we didn't want to disturb them anymore......ok OK! We didn't want to be covered in SHIT!!! haha! seriously, it was a close call folks!
We did manage to get a few things done over the weekend. The dodger, that seems to be taking forever, is nearing completion. We realized that when the front glass was being made that they made the beveled edge on the wrong side. SOOOOOO....since we didn't want to mess with having another made ( We are too cheap, haha!), we went ahead and built up the edge again with the foam board and fiberglass tape. This was a good thing because it will add extra strength. I do not mind extra strength in the front. That will be taking the brunt of the wind. There were lots of misc. stuff going on in between other projects..but I wont bore everone with every little detail.
Yesturday Katie and I ripped the ceiling down. We are going to clean it up, epoxy it, add some lighting, add foam core for insulation, and than put up some mahogany for the roof. After inspecting the roof I have to say we are all very impressed at the construction of this boat. She is a brick//house!
Afterwards Ken and Saundra allowed us to come aboard their vessel "Aquila" and look at some of their amazing pictures from the French Polynesian Islands and New Zealand. I have mentioned them re cap they went on about an 18 month journey accross the equator. Hitting all the glorious islands along the way and then a stay in New Zealand before heading back via Hawaii. We have been jealous ever since! Not to worry. Our time will come!
Today we will be going through most of our storage locker in between other definately wont get borred on this boat!..and if you do? I have a list ready!
Daisy was almost comatose by the heat and when Stewart put her up in the hammock by herself, she stayed there for almost 2 hours before she made a peep...snore...ZZZZ.. It was pretty cute.
The wind died down on Friday night and Neil and I went out in the dinghy for a moonlight water date. It is always nice to go out in the warm night air and check out the island. The view of the city was amazing and the birds, mostly seaguls, were loud as can be on Brooks Island. It should be their mating and nesting season. After getting a little too close we had to retreat for fear of the 100 or so seaguls circling overhead. You could see their bellies flashing above in the moonlight. We decided to that we didn't want to disturb them anymore......ok OK! We didn't want to be covered in SHIT!!! haha! seriously, it was a close call folks!
We did manage to get a few things done over the weekend. The dodger, that seems to be taking forever, is nearing completion. We realized that when the front glass was being made that they made the beveled edge on the wrong side. SOOOOOO....since we didn't want to mess with having another made ( We are too cheap, haha!), we went ahead and built up the edge again with the foam board and fiberglass tape. This was a good thing because it will add extra strength. I do not mind extra strength in the front. That will be taking the brunt of the wind. There were lots of misc. stuff going on in between other projects..but I wont bore everone with every little detail.
Yesturday Katie and I ripped the ceiling down. We are going to clean it up, epoxy it, add some lighting, add foam core for insulation, and than put up some mahogany for the roof. After inspecting the roof I have to say we are all very impressed at the construction of this boat. She is a brick//house!
Afterwards Ken and Saundra allowed us to come aboard their vessel "Aquila" and look at some of their amazing pictures from the French Polynesian Islands and New Zealand. I have mentioned them re cap they went on about an 18 month journey accross the equator. Hitting all the glorious islands along the way and then a stay in New Zealand before heading back via Hawaii. We have been jealous ever since! Not to worry. Our time will come!
Today we will be going through most of our storage locker in between other definately wont get borred on this boat!..and if you do? I have a list ready!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It's official! We have registered with the Baja Ha Ha committee. We are stoked! We have made great progress on our boat the last few days.
The sea spray skirts are finished and I only have a small amount of sewing left on the "porch." (oh and a cover for the hard bottomed dinghy...will have to think on that one a bit). Neil has a little bit left to go before we paint and seal everything. The rest will be placing items here and there for better distribution.
We have paid 2 weeks in advance here at the Marina and hope to have everything ready by then. We may have a week overun.
We hope to spend a good couple of weeks anchoring out to test all our new equipment. The other day the power went out at the dock. Neil was sanding and drilling while I was sewing. The radio and fridge were on with the use of the inverter, and the sun was out. We were able to work and keep a charge coming in. This was so exciting because our solar panels were cranking out the juice faster than we were depleting it! I know that this was special circumstances but nonetheless exciting to see we can still function relatively well for a period of time. The real test will be a week or two off the grid, so to speak.
If all goes well we will start to sluggishly sail south hitting a few key places here and there before the Baja Ha Ha starts in October. We hope to play tourist in southern Cal and just have a fun relaxing time.
I will be posting pics of progress to the blog as well as our website later this week along with a few videos.(if time allows!).
The sea spray skirts are finished and I only have a small amount of sewing left on the "porch." (oh and a cover for the hard bottomed dinghy...will have to think on that one a bit). Neil has a little bit left to go before we paint and seal everything. The rest will be placing items here and there for better distribution.
We have paid 2 weeks in advance here at the Marina and hope to have everything ready by then. We may have a week overun.
We hope to spend a good couple of weeks anchoring out to test all our new equipment. The other day the power went out at the dock. Neil was sanding and drilling while I was sewing. The radio and fridge were on with the use of the inverter, and the sun was out. We were able to work and keep a charge coming in. This was so exciting because our solar panels were cranking out the juice faster than we were depleting it! I know that this was special circumstances but nonetheless exciting to see we can still function relatively well for a period of time. The real test will be a week or two off the grid, so to speak.
If all goes well we will start to sluggishly sail south hitting a few key places here and there before the Baja Ha Ha starts in October. We hope to play tourist in southern Cal and just have a fun relaxing time.
I will be posting pics of progress to the blog as well as our website later this week along with a few videos.(if time allows!).
Monday, June 7, 2010
A Boat Load of Projects
Monday was such a good day!
I got so much sewing done. We got the windows in the dodger (although is still needs sanding and epoxy primer and pain to be complete)..and it was amazing. The wind was ripping in the marina and we put them in and wow, we have shelter! You have no idea how exciting it was for me. We have been exposed to the elements for so long. The wind, the rain, the spray...the sun never bothered me but when it hits 120'F I am sure I will be glad I have the cover up!
No more ugly green/brown tarp over the dodger structure. Neil put handles on the sides as well. We chose smoky glass for the windows that are still light enough to see clearly at night.
I checked my mail this morning and thought that the email from Joyce and Barry was so cute that I have to share it.
An excerpt from Barry's email is as follows: (thanks to copy and paste).
"Btw I never did tell you a story of our early days of trying to figure out just what would be necessary for a boat to venture out into the seas. This one fella in a seminar read off a list of stuff that was mind boggling and one of the items he felt was high on his list was a BAR. Well I thought that was kind of strange thing to say and I was looking around to see if someone was going to raise their hand and ask why a B.A.R was needed. Nobody did so I raised my hand and the instructor smiled and I knew I was had. Well it turns out that a bar is an acronym (sp), for big ass radio. And now I own one. Barry."
Things to Do:
We still have to decide whether or not to get the EPIRB or not. We still need to get things together like a ditch bag, another hand held radio, newer offshore life jackets with the ring for tethering, an engine tune up, storage gone through and emptied (anyone looking for tools let me know!), a car to sell, a visit to the vet for Daisy, most of the extra tools and equipment not needed anymore to be removed from the boat, and some miscellaneous “extra’s” for things in case they break. You always hear stories about people’s toilets are the first to go once they leave…although I think this is due in part by people using them like a shore head and stuffing way too much paper in…and ah oh, a plugged up nasty mess! We have lived onboard long enough that I don’t foresee this happening but I will still have parts just in case.
This week we look to have the dodger complete. The lines in and the winches relocated to their new resting place behind the dodger. We need to put the new opening port windows with screens in (the small front ones only). I have a bit more sewing to do: sea spray skirts, side doors going from dodger to bimini for total privacy on anchorage (we are basically hoping to have a complete covered porch for sleeping and living when it gets hotter down south – that and we need to have it cool enough so that when we are hanging out in our hammocks, our beer won’t get hot! Haha). I have a few miscellaneous projects inside. Netting, for various things, and a few new covers for the rest of the cushions should finish it up.
We still need to get our food stores, fuel, and relocate the heavier objects to the middle of the boat to balance it out and have our boot stripe showing once again. (I believe it is about a foot under water right now!). We need some fresh paint,(nothing major, but at least cover the fiberglass to keep her protected) another coat or two of varnish, and there is always a half a dozen other last minute things to get or do……oh ya, the fishing stuff! more Spanish..……like I said……haha!
Hi ho Hi Ho it’s off to work we go! How exciting!
I got so much sewing done. We got the windows in the dodger (although is still needs sanding and epoxy primer and pain to be complete)..and it was amazing. The wind was ripping in the marina and we put them in and wow, we have shelter! You have no idea how exciting it was for me. We have been exposed to the elements for so long. The wind, the rain, the spray...the sun never bothered me but when it hits 120'F I am sure I will be glad I have the cover up!
No more ugly green/brown tarp over the dodger structure. Neil put handles on the sides as well. We chose smoky glass for the windows that are still light enough to see clearly at night.
I checked my mail this morning and thought that the email from Joyce and Barry was so cute that I have to share it.
An excerpt from Barry's email is as follows: (thanks to copy and paste).
"Btw I never did tell you a story of our early days of trying to figure out just what would be necessary for a boat to venture out into the seas. This one fella in a seminar read off a list of stuff that was mind boggling and one of the items he felt was high on his list was a BAR. Well I thought that was kind of strange thing to say and I was looking around to see if someone was going to raise their hand and ask why a B.A.R was needed. Nobody did so I raised my hand and the instructor smiled and I knew I was had. Well it turns out that a bar is an acronym (sp), for big ass radio. And now I own one. Barry."
Things to Do:
We still have to decide whether or not to get the EPIRB or not. We still need to get things together like a ditch bag, another hand held radio, newer offshore life jackets with the ring for tethering, an engine tune up, storage gone through and emptied (anyone looking for tools let me know!), a car to sell, a visit to the vet for Daisy, most of the extra tools and equipment not needed anymore to be removed from the boat, and some miscellaneous “extra’s” for things in case they break. You always hear stories about people’s toilets are the first to go once they leave…although I think this is due in part by people using them like a shore head and stuffing way too much paper in…and ah oh, a plugged up nasty mess! We have lived onboard long enough that I don’t foresee this happening but I will still have parts just in case.
This week we look to have the dodger complete. The lines in and the winches relocated to their new resting place behind the dodger. We need to put the new opening port windows with screens in (the small front ones only). I have a bit more sewing to do: sea spray skirts, side doors going from dodger to bimini for total privacy on anchorage (we are basically hoping to have a complete covered porch for sleeping and living when it gets hotter down south – that and we need to have it cool enough so that when we are hanging out in our hammocks, our beer won’t get hot! Haha). I have a few miscellaneous projects inside. Netting, for various things, and a few new covers for the rest of the cushions should finish it up.
We still need to get our food stores, fuel, and relocate the heavier objects to the middle of the boat to balance it out and have our boot stripe showing once again. (I believe it is about a foot under water right now!). We need some fresh paint,(nothing major, but at least cover the fiberglass to keep her protected) another coat or two of varnish, and there is always a half a dozen other last minute things to get or do……oh ya, the fishing stuff! more Spanish..……like I said……haha!
Hi ho Hi Ho it’s off to work we go! How exciting!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Back on Track

(Above are pictures from the Baha Ha Ha courtesy of SV Third Day's Blog).
This Friday was the last day of work on Michael’s boat. It is going to be finished by the local boatyard. Neil and I have done so much work on this project and the fact that we can now work on and finish our boat so we can go is very exciting. Yesterday was spent getting some serious fiber glassing and work done on our new system for keeping all things confined to the dodger area. A little light sanding and tomorrow we should be able to put on the epoxy primer to get her ready for painting. I have made covers for the inflatable fold up dinghy (looks more like a body bag..haha) and for our two new folding bicycles. We purchased these over Memorial weekend and I must say that West Marine makes a pretty decent fold up cycle for under $250. We will be using the "poop" out of them once the car is no longer in our possession. All in all it has been a great feeling knowing that now we can devote our time and energy to our own boat.
This weekend we had a great evening with our new boating neighbors Kara(hope I spelled that right) and her husband Jim on their fabulous power boat along with our other good friend Jim (Wind Warrior). They are a sweet couple and I am glad we got to meet them before we go. He was a helicopter pilot (for Wayne Newton along with a few others!) amongst other things and she was a nurse. This week is their 20th anniversary. I was actually a bit blown away when I realized that Neil and I were going to be celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary later this month! (Together 19).
My how time flies! I still feel like a kid most days and my daughter is forever telling me to turn "that noise" down! I can't believe that Neil is "so old" and I am not!..(love you baby) ...haha... even if the mirror shows different. I am so thankful to have spent more time with my husband than I have apart and even more thankful to be getting ready to embark on a tremendous journey with our children.
We have officially decided to do the "Baha Ha Ha" run this year. We hope to be out of the bay within the next 30 days and then spend our "waiting" time coastal cruising and visiting the Catalina Islands and hanging out in a much warmer location before the "Ha Ha" begins. This is kind of neat as we will be able to get a good feel for living "free" and tweak the system if need be before crossing the border. I am also hoping that our good friends Joyce and Barry will be joining us for the "Ha Ha." I am already told that our other friends Lori and husband Tom (SV Camelot) will be going. From F Dock it looks like our friend Alan (on a pretty Beneteau) will be going as well.
After all the "going’s on" Neil said last night was the first night that he was able to sleep all night without disturbance. He equates this to being so relaxed knowing that we will be able to get our boat done, and to be heading out soon!
I would like to try and stick to the June 20th deadline, but know that with "boat works" nothing is set in stone!
Our Genaker should be finished next week. We are going to go ahead and set up a stay sail so we can run two sails off the bow if need be. We saved our old head stay and can re-use her for this purpose. We also saved a few sails from our previous boats that we can use for this as well.
It is all very exciting, especially for the kids who, because of the "Baha Ha Ha", will be able to meet and greet with the other "family" boats and have good kids with common interests to hang out with. Neil and Katie have been looking up the events and rendezvous points associated with the event...It is so great to see them excited and having them "see" it all coming together.
I also have to say that our good friend, Jose, from West Marine in Point Richmond, has been so helpful. I really appreciate all that he has done to help us out, both with our client’s boats and our own. He has become a good friend as well and will be missed but not forgotten. (I will also miss Octavia's spunk and Dave's huge smile).
So this next week will be busy busy busy. (like we weren't before). The weather looks to be in our favor. The typical bay area summer...heavy fog in the AM. and sunshine and heat in the afternoon.
Neil's sister, Stacy, is off for a vacation in the Caribbean this week. I can't wait to hear what she thinks of warm tropical waters and "Island Time." I know she has vacationed before, but.....(We may hook her yet!). :0)
All in all it has been a great start to the week....all the best to all our friends and family this week!
Now for some sleep....
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