Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jelly Belly Factory

As I mentioned earlier the kids, Joyce, her grandaughter and myself all went to Fairfield for a tour of the Jelly Belly Factory. It was quite fascinating and we learned that the strange flavors made famous by the Harry Potter movies were real! They ranged in variety from "booger", "skunk", "rotten egg", "moldy cheese", and even "dog food." This was in addition to some very yummy flavors...even the snozzberries tasted like snozzberries! haha! I have added the video of Stewart below at the factory. I will spare you the one of myself wretching as I tasted the savory flavors of "rotten egg" and "dog food!" ( I now know why Daisy won't touch that tastes horrible!). And you may ask yourself, like I did..."who came up with what a "booger" tastes like? I have never had one, and I must say after eating the jelly bean flavored one...I don't think I will have another any time soon! (remember to press the play button below)

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