Monday, June 28, 2010

Upcoming Holiday..

It looks like we will be off on our 1 - 2 week test of all gear onboard this weekend. We originally chose Friday as our last day here in MBYH until it was brought to my attention that July 3rd is on Saturday..that is when the city puts on a huge display of fireworks right above the marina. That being said tomorrow I will see if I can manage to talk them into one more day. Otherwise we have outstayed our welcome..with good measure. We have most of everything finished outside of cosmetics. I have been sewing for two days with one more to go......did I mention that I hate sewing??? However it is all coming together and I will be posting pictures of the progress in our "re fit" section on Other than that I would like to stay longer and help out our friends get their stuff ready but we may have to visit with them via the skiff...all in all we are super excited to be off and test everything and just see what needs to be tweaked. If it is all good, than we will sell off everything else, or give it away, and head south to the Catalina Islands and hang out between there and San Diego until the Baja Ha Ha starts. Did I mention that I am excited?? much to do little time...but glad to have a deadline...I ..we...are ready...

On the flip side, thank you to all who wished us well on our 17th wedding anniversary!

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