Monday, June 14, 2010

windy city

Wow! we have had a lot of wind lately, must be summer in San Francisco again! Last weekend was absolutely gorgeous. It was windy but the winds were howling from the north and gave us a two day blast of 80-90 degree weather! Oh how I was loving it!

Daisy was almost comatose by the heat and when Stewart put her up in the hammock by herself, she stayed there for almost 2 hours before she made a peep...snore...ZZZZ.. It was pretty cute.

The wind died down on Friday night and Neil and I went out in the dinghy for a moonlight water date. It is always nice to go out in the warm night air and check out the island. The view of the city was amazing and the birds, mostly seaguls, were loud as can be on Brooks Island. It should be their mating and nesting season. After getting a little too close we had to retreat for fear of the 100 or so seaguls circling overhead. You could see their bellies flashing above in the moonlight. We decided to that we didn't want to disturb them anymore......ok OK! We didn't want to be covered in SHIT!!! haha! seriously, it was a close call folks!

We did manage to get a few things done over the weekend. The dodger, that seems to be taking forever, is nearing completion. We realized that when the front glass was being made that they made the beveled edge on the wrong side. SOOOOOO....since we didn't want to mess with having another made ( We are too cheap, haha!), we went ahead and built up the edge again with the foam board and fiberglass tape. This was a good thing because it will add extra strength. I do not mind extra strength in the front. That will be taking the brunt of the wind. There were lots of misc. stuff going on in between other projects..but I wont bore everone with every little detail.

Yesturday Katie and I ripped the ceiling down. We are going to clean it up, epoxy it, add some lighting, add foam core for insulation, and than put up some mahogany for the roof. After inspecting the roof I have to say we are all very impressed at the construction of this boat. She is a brick//house!

Afterwards Ken and Saundra allowed us to come aboard their vessel "Aquila" and look at some of their amazing pictures from the French Polynesian Islands and New Zealand. I have mentioned them re cap they went on about an 18 month journey accross the equator. Hitting all the glorious islands along the way and then a stay in New Zealand before heading back via Hawaii. We have been jealous ever since! Not to worry. Our time will come!

Today we will be going through most of our storage locker in between other definately wont get borred on this boat!..and if you do? I have a list ready!

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