Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. It is hard to believe. For the last 10 years if we are having the dinner with just our family, it has been nontraditional. By this I mean we ask the kids what is their favorite current food. It is prepared along with mine and Neil’s personal favorites. Over the years this has ranged from pizza, cheeseburgers, macaroni n cheese with garlic bread, 16 inch chocolate chip pancakes, pumpkin ice cream, shrimp and sushi. I have always gotten such a kick out of the answers to…”what will it be this year?” Last year it was shrimp and sushi. (When we have spent it with good friends and brought it along their kid’s reactions were quite funny when the sushi came out, however the shrimp was a huge success!).

I can tell that my children are getting older when this year’s response from Stewart was “Lobster!”Neil has always been predictable with his request for “Meat, wait, Good Meat!” Mine is always some sort of gourmet green salad. I can count on leftovers when I throw micro greens and beets in the mix! Katie, in years past, was the mashed potato and gravy queen along with the picker of “pie or cheesecake?” This year it is “I don’t know” but I think that may have something to do with her being 15! Ha ha.

Don’t get me wrong, I like turkey, but if it is supposed to be “Thanksgiving” I say let’s eat what we will be truly thankful for! Afterwards we pop in the usual “Christmas Vacation” movie which is one of my personal favorites and some serious game playing be it video or board games. I am “thankful” for my family and I cherish all my time spent with them every day. (Cheesy hey? But true!).

Aside from all that we have not had the internet that we used to have before so this is why there has been a bit of a gap in posts and email reply’s. It is a strange feeling when you realize just how much a part of your everyday life involves internet. We knew that while sailing you are always “offline”, but to sit in anchorage and not have it readily available is kind of strange. I am not sure if we will get a booster or just enjoy the extra time we have had playing board games and having more movie nights and evening walks along the shore.

In this anchorage there is a group of individuals that pull in here with a diving crew and a dolphin. Yes, a dolphin. I believe they are military and they are training the dolphin to do random “chores” like taking things from the sea floor to the surface and vice versa. They put him in the back of a beefed up inflatable boat wrapped in a sling style blanket. Once they pull into the anchorage they let him loose and start to set up a few “targets” which are floating and sinking hoops in the water. The divers, usually two, hop in to assist or watch? I am not sure. It is amusing to watch them over the course of an hour or so. They come in a couple times a week. This is something I have not seen any other place and at some point I hope to ask them about it.

In the meantime the squeals the dolphin puts out along with the whistles they use always makes for a loud response from our team of “killers”…yep, I mean the Chihuahua’s! Speaking of which if you were to look at Foster and Winnie ( the two pups) they do NOT look like they came from the same litter. I swear the joke before was “We should have named him Clifford” but really, he is HUGE next to her! **see pics**

To all of our many friends and loved ones, I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and I am curious…how many of you will take part in “Black Friday” this year? Let me know in the comment section! Love to all.
(Especially my good "family" freezing their butts off in Nevada! And my brave sis in Montana..Love You! Vicki and Crew Too!)

*****Foot Note;***** To Joyce and Barry: Remember when you showed up and gave me one of those military can openers?? Well I am soooo thankful you did as my super duper non sharp lid opening one went "Kapoot" about 2 weeks ago and I am too cheap to get another one! I have been using it ever since!! Ha Ha. I thought you guys would get a kick out of that!


Aireus said...

SOUNDS like you all are haing a blast watching and what not down there. Mike and I haul Broadway shows and just hauled mamma mia From Thunder Bay ON, To Saint John QB Up In Canada and it was a 1700 Mile from HELL. Blizzard and what not. I liked diving at night In the snow. I use to be afraid but Not after this trip. I gave up worring about crashing. Thats what Insurance is for right? No I dont want to wreck and wont because we are good drivers. Its the other guy that we worry about. Anyway HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE. And let us know what the kids asked for this year. They do thanks Giving different up here so no turkey for us today. Looks like tv dinners. UGGGGG!

Unknown said...

We really missed having you guys this year. I am glad that you are all having such a great adventure. You guys have waited a long time to get there. :) I hope all is well with you guys we miss you like crazy. Baby girl will be coming in a few weeks. we are all getting so excited.

love ya bunches

handfull said...

I do not miss the coldand dampness of the snow although I do miss the first snow and the wooded hills..but that's about it. I am glad you are doing ok Vicki..sounds like a lot of fun going around with the shows...hey they make a turkey tv dinner right? haha! was weird just having the 4 of us but also really cool. I can't believe your baby is about to pop out! I bet you are all very anxious! Take lots of belly pics! You'll want them later, I know I wish I had taken a few more!! love to all!