Saturday, April 9, 2011

Update on Neil

We got the results of the MRI and it looks like instead of one herniated disc, Neil has six and this is only in the one section that they shot. It was mixed emotions when we heard the news. We knew there was more there than what they were telling him before, and to have it layed out like that was like "ok, that explains alot" followed by, "oh crap!" At the same time he has a lot of tissue inflamation along with a small list of other related ailments.

To remedy this, they are going to continue with his chiropractor visits and start injecting his spine and disc's with cortezone shots, via epideral. They want to do a series of three. Along with physical therapy and other, they will see how it goes before considering surgery. Yes, surgery is on the plate as a last resort; something we are hoping to avoid if we can.

He has his QME appointment at the end of the month. This one will be the big one. This appointment will be one of the last big factors in his ordeal, so pray all goes well. In the meantime we are all doing well.

I am having a ball with the bike. I am all like "you need what? Let me get right back!" haha! I can't wait for this summer.

So thank you for all your prayers once again. We have made progress but still have a ways to go. Overall I am so completely thankful that Neil is getting the help and attention  that he needs and I am pretty sure that if it weren't for us being here, we wouldn't have gotten such good doctors. We also wouldn't have accomplished as much nor enjoyed the winter as much. So in hind sight, we were "led" here, even though at the time we were unsure and maybe a little dissapointed...but it was all in "His Plans" and boy, am I thankful for that!

1 comment:

Aireus said...

Oh man I am SO SORRY thaat he is going through all of this pain and what not. I will pray that he does NOT have to have sergery. LOVE the scooter. How fun. Be safe and you are right women RULE