Sunday, April 3, 2011

worlds away

We sailed back to Mission Bay for a weekend of fun and be met with mostly cloudiness and a little sun. The kid's and I went to shore and tested out our "skills" at volleyball. Needless to say after a full afternoon of hitting the ball around with several references to "Top Gun" we were getting the hang of hitting the ball in the right direction. (ha ha). The dogs were super excited to have full run of the beach once again and Neil was able to catch up on some fishing.

Today Stewart and I hopped in a gave the boat a nice scrubbing below the waterline. It looks as if we are in dire need of getting her in for bottom paint within the next month. It looks good, but is starting to show through to  the primer coats. Neil used to be the one to do this chore, but this time it was up to Stew and I. I am happy to announce that my lungs have recovered very well since my bout with pneumonia and it was nice to be underwater again. I was able to relax a bit while scrubbing and enjoy the warmer waters of southern Cal and thoroughly enjoyed the circling fish around me. I saw lots of "lizard fish"and mackerel. I would put out my hands and they came right up to them, like a dog, sniffing my fingers. They would "bump" into my legs, freaking me out just a little, and then they would dissapear into the void. I am amazed at how well I can see here as opposed to up north. In Half Moon Bay it was clear but cold water. In the bay it was hit and miss as far as clarity.It was nice to be back in the water, diving, feeling worlds away. Afterwards, Katie and I went and played tourist at the local hot is always fun haggling for bracelets and post cards with  the local stands.I am partial to wearing the same old sea shell necklace and a hemp anklet...but they are wearing thin, so off we went in search of a new one. Done and done. We now have new "treasures" to bestow.

Tomorrow we head back into the bay of good ole "S.D." and Neil is off to the doctor's this week. We have our big appointment bumped up from June to the end of this month. We are very happy about that. I wish we had more time to spend here. I love this area so much for all of its laid backedness and we always seem to have such a great time here...this is only fuel for when we head south.

This next week I am  going to start my project of making chaps for the dinghy. A good friend of mine onboard SV "Camelot" is also in the process of doing the same...To Lori..I wish you nothing but the best, and hope my own experience with this annoying but necessary project goes well. I will keep you posted with pictures and the occasional urge to curse! (haha)

All in all I have enjoyed being close to home yet feel worlds away.

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