Friday, January 7, 2011

Time to go home

I get to go home at around lunch time today. I will be on a rest and recoup mission for at least one week and I am so happy to be going home, to be with all my family, and just relax and have some good quality family time. I am not sure how long it is really going to take to fully recover from all of this but one thing I do know is that I am not going to take my health for granted anymore. I have had problems with the flu over the last few years. Seems like every time one was going around I would catch a little bit of it. In Richmond it felt like we were under the weather for the entire stay. What I found out was that I may have been harboring this in my chest for years and it finally came to a head. I also may have just been exposed to a very nasty bug at the right time. More than likely it was the first. If you don't hear from me for a couple of days, not to worry, I am resting. Thank you to everyone, including the doctors and the wonderful nurses here. Especially thank you to my lovely friends and family for all of their support. I cannot wait to go home!

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